After less than 7 years, the AdMaS Center changed its management – the Director, Assoc. Prof. Zdeněk Dufek, left his post and handed the position over to his Deputy, Dr. Zdeněk Krejza.
Assoc. Prof. Dufek is still connected to the Center thanks to two projects of the Technology Agency of Czech Republic. The first project, “Safety of LNG filling stations”, on which the Center has been gradually cooperating with GasNet, the Technology Platform and innogy for four years now, will end in August this year. The latter, CAMEB, a large project of the National Competence Center called “Center for Advanced Materials and Constructions” will not be completed until December 2022.
This one includes several sub-projects in which four universities (BUT, CTU, MENDEL and TUL) and many private companies participate. The motivation for its creation was a decrease, resp. thinning of non-renewable natural resources, both material and energy, and the impact of this phenomenon on construction.
During his tenure as director, Dufek also devoted himself to many important government contracts (eg for the Directorate of Waterways, Directorate of Roads and Motorways, etc.), collaborated on the writing of several professional publications and raised awareness of the center’s qualifications at the Czech and international level.
On behalf of the employees, I would like to thank to Assoc. Prof. Dufek for his contribution to the Center, always professional and collegial behavior, and wish the new director, Dr. Krejza, many interesting projects and work successes in the following years.