Circular economy in water management – ​​a new topic of cooperation between the AdMaS center and BOKU Wien

Research staff of the AdMaS center of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Brno University of Technology (VUT in Brno) led by Dr. Jakub Raček, received in early 2022 a two-year project financed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports entitled “Circular economy in water management” from the activity of international cooperation in research and development to support the mobility of male and female researchers with the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), Department Water-Atmosphere-Environment.

In 2022, research activities are focused on basic principles, where available relevant national and international literature is primarily used to identify available and promising approaches and technologies for wastewater management in accordance with the principles of the circular economy. The priority is the use of waste as a resource and the energy balance of processes.

In 2023, the project is focused on identifying application possibilities, where the theoretical output from the first year will be transferred into a practice-oriented context with regard to local (national) specific boundary conditions.

On June 7-9, 2022, a “kick-off” meeting of the international project was held in the AdMaS center with the participation of BOKU representatives and the current activities of the AdMaS center were presented. At the same time, the Faculty of Civil Engineering BUT was introduced and the possibilities of further cooperation were presented.

On September 5-7, 2022, a second meeting took place in Vienna at BOKU with the participation of AdMaS representatives incl. personal participation of Mr. Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering BUT in Brno doc. Dufek with a focus on the current activities of colleagues from BOKU in the field of science and research, but also in the field of teaching programs. At the second meeting, among other things, mutual mobility of Ph.D. students and preparation of joint COST Action and Interreg V-A projects.