Researchers of the AdMaS Center of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Brno University of Technology (BUT) led by prof. Petr Hlavínek, at the beginning of 2022 they received an annual project financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic entitled “Use of biochar as materially transformed waste for extensive green roofs” from the program Strengthening the capacity of public universities in developing countries.

The first working trip to the University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina took place on 9-11 May 2022. As part of the international project, experimental green roof modules were installed, a “kick-off” meeting of the international project was held with the participation of the management of the Faculty of Agronomy and the current activities of the AdMaS center were presented. At the same time, the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Brno University of Technology was introduced and the possibilities of further cooperation were presented.

The currently solved project serves mainly to get to know both educational and research institutions, in the coming years it is expected to submit applications for another grant from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, the subject of which should be program.