IVIS 2019


From 19 to 20 September 2019, staff of the AdMaS Research Group Technology o Building Materials attended an international conference IVIS 2019 (14 th International Vacuum Insulation Symposium; http://ivis2019.jp/) in Kyoto, Japan. There they presented new research team findings in in the field of vacuum insulation development (VIP). The event also included the annual meeting of the Association for Vacuum Insulation Panels VIPA International, of which BUT in Brno and AdMaS Center has been a member since2018.


The whole galery: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOXXXTwWwcHcCG_D27hGE1wLp1WKoisGIrpOWy1inXyjUJS0eXY8Qhv41s3bQlGow?key=S0pXbktwb2hpcktOdnNzMMltTHVTvS82