Researchers at the MSM Research Center, AdMaS, organized a foreign excursion to manufacturing plants and universities in Hungary and Serbia for students of the “M” field of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology.
Two technical universities were visited within the framework of a foreign working trip, where both our own research and research projects and tasks were presented. The question of the cooperation of individual workplaces, including the possibility of working stays, was discussed.
At the Technical and Economic University of Budapest (Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem), the Faculty of Civil Engineering (Építőmérnöki Kar), the Department of Building Materials and Structures (Építőanyagok és Magasépítés Tanszék), we were, on the demand of the head of the department prof. Györgye L. Balázs, accompanied by Viktor Hlavicka (from the building materials department) and Balázs Nagy (from the Department of Building Physics) who showed us the building materials laboratories and presented their research tasks, the instrumentation and the methods used. The possibility of collaboration between laboratories and the possibility of student placements was discussed.
At the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Institute of Building Materials and Structures contact was made with Professor Dragan Budjevac, Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Professor Branko S. Bozic, and Dimirija Zakić, Head of the Building Materials Testing Laboratory, with whom a preliminary visit was arranged at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Brno and the AdMaS Center.
In addition, the business trip focused on visits to the manufacturing plant of building materials. The individual participants were acquainted with specific production processes and subsequently negotiated possible cooperation with the Faculty of Civil Engineering on partial research tasks and technology innovations, especially in the framework of student projects and contractual research.
In particular, the following enterprices were visited:
Knauf in Zemun (Serbia)
SIKA SRBIJA in Šimanovci (Serbia)
Martini Gradnja d.o.o. in Inđija (Serbia)
Carmeuse limestone in Beremendu (Hungary)
Production of lime sand SILKA, Xella Hungary