As part of the “Sending Experts” Program of the Czech Development Agency on the project “Support for Building Specialization in Civil Engineering at Burch International University in Sarajevo based on needs of building practice in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, a group of FAST and AdMaS employees visited Burch International University (IBU) in May 2018. The aim of the stay was to analyze the current situation and a way to help with the introduction of a new study program.
The Czech group provided practical lectures for students in the fields of “Super Insulation Materials”, “Polymer Cement Matters and Composites” and “Testing of Concrete and Aggregate in Concrete”, followed by a discussion to verify students’ interest and response on the design of a new study program.
There has also been a discussion with the university leadership and the people responsible for implementing the program, specifically with the university Vice-President, Assist. Prof. Dr. Sanelou Klaric, then with Assist. Prof. Dr. Eminou Zejnilovic and Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sayed and also Rector of the University, prof. Dr. Damir Marjanovic.
During the visit, the Czech group discussed with represenatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina building industry, defining the possible potential of their cooperation with the IBU with the support of the Czech Republic (namely BUT).
The result of these negotiations is an agreement to evaluate the curriculum of the new study program, to propose its modification so that the program can be run with the smallest demands on human resources and as far as possible to meet the standards and current requirements of the EU and BUT (for future exchange of students and teachers between the two universities). In addition, it was promised to help to provide IBU with sufficient instrumentation and laboratory facilities.
There was also a meeting with the Head Consul of the Consular Section and the Development Cooperation Division of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Sarajevo, Mrs. Jan Zelinger, and the Co-ordinator of the Development Cooperation Section, Mrs. Anesa Terza Vukovic, whom was presented the project of the Czech Development Agency and the possibilities of further follow-up cooperation in the area of standardization of construction (EUROCODE) on a new project implemented by the Office for Standards, Metrology and Government Testing of the Czech Republic in cooperation with the BAS of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
During the stay, AdMaS employees also attended an international meeting (The First “Burch International Week”: https://www.ibu.edu.ba/en/burch-news/2018/the-first-burch-international-week-held- in-sarajevo-we-believe-in-bosnia-and-herzegovina.html) and international conference (ICESoS Conference 2018: Tourism can become a Serious Development Resource and Economy Impeller in BiH: https://www.ibu.edu.ba /en/burch-news/2018/icesos-conference-2018-tourism-can-become-a-serious-development-resource-and-economy-impeller-in-bih.html).