Company ARDEC s.r.o., under the auspices of the expert group “Drainage of Urbanized Areas CZWA” and the AdMaS Research Center, held in Velké Bílovice on October 3 – 4, 2019 already XIX. annual international conference and exhibition called “URBAN WATER 2019”.
The AdMaS Center presented itself at the conference by a number of contributions. Jakub Raček presented an article by the team of authors entitled “Characteristics of solid carbonaceous product after microwave torrefaction of sewage sludge” focused on energy utilization and transformation of RC into PPL / biochar for agricultural use, as well as article “Implementation of terrestrial scanning of water management facilities for practical use”. The article presents possibilities of using photogrammetry and laser scanning technology with data evaluation for selected water management facilities such as reservoirs and drinking water pumping stations. The water management object was captured using the technology of static laser scanning with the help of so-called ground scanners. This technology also allows to capture a laser point cloud together with classic snapshots. The user output of the whole process of capturing the cloud, images and their interconnection is then a web application for the needs of the water operator with the implementation of photogrammetry including panoramic images and the publication of point clouds using ground laser scanning.
Tomáš Chorazy presented work entitled “Possibilities of gastro waste processing for material utilization by pyrolysis”. Given the new legislation in the Czech Republic related to the prohibition of the use of gastro waste for feeding livestock, as well as the prohibition of crushing the waste into drains, it is necessary to find a new way of its material transformation into a usable product, respecting the principles of circular economy. A suitable processing technology is pyrolysis with the resulting products: solid carbon product (bioch
The article “Obtaining and the utilization of thermal energy from waste water” presented by Kristýna Velikovská dealt with a summary of the latest findings in the field of waste heat recovery and presentation of goals and proposed prototypes of the project TAČR “Obtaining and the utilization of thermal energy from waste water in combination with using of purified water ‘.
Ivo Korytář, in his article “Characteristics of wastewater generated during the cleaning of roads and road tunnels” summarized the latest findings concerning such contaminated wastewater and current methods of treatment.
The contribution “Biochar as an alternative substitute for adsorption materials”, presented by Tomáš Macsek, summarized the latest findings of the use of solid pyrolysis product – biochar, as an alternative cheap substitute for granulated activated carbon for the removal of selected micropolutants.
Jan Ševčík in his paper “Energy potential of dried sewage sludge” dealt with the value of the energy potential of sewage treatment plant as a solid alternative fuel. Contribution „Removal of selected drugs from wastewater by means of advanced oxidation processes presented by Tomáš Macsek focused on removal of selected drugs (azithromycin, sulfamethoxazole, diclofenac, metoprolol, citalopram) from treated waste water from municipal mechanical-biological wastewater treatment plant Brno-Modřice using technology of advanced oxidation processes. In the experiment, the processes of simple ozonization, ozonization combined with UV radiation and ozonation combined with hydrogen peroxide dosing were tested on a pilot scale. The last post in this section was “Removal of selected pollutants by wood decaying fungi” presented by Adéla Žižlavská. The article dealt with the utilization of the potential of the enzymatic system of wood decaying fungi, especially the so-called white rot fungus and the effectiveness of wood decaying fungi on degradation of sulfonamide antibiotics from wastewater using biological carriers created by 3D printing inoculated with mycelium Trametes versicolor. The article of Jana Majerová and Rostislav Drochytka dealt with the experience and knowledge of trenchless rehabilitation of sewer pipes.
There was an accompanying exhibition in the adjacent areas by the companies ACO Building Elements, ARKO TECHNOLOGY as, AQUA PROCON sro, AQUATIS as, ATER, sro, DHI as, ENVI-PUR sro, HUBER CS, sro, KUNST sro, Pipelife Czech sro , PREFA Brno as, REKUPER Sychrov Ltd., VAG Ltd., VODA CZ Ltd., ZEPRIS, AVK VOD-KA Inc., DISA Ltd., EUTIT Ltd., GEREX Ltd., KASI Ltd., KROHNE CZ, Nicoll Czech Republic Ltd., Environment and Fluid Technology Ltd., SAINT-GOBAIN PAM CZ Ltd., TECHNOMA Inc., Tra-Sig-Ma Ltd., WAVIN Ekoplastik Ltd. and the company ZEMSKÝ Rohatec.
The nineteenth year of the conference confirmed that the conference is in favor of participants, as evidenced by the very active participation of more than 350 delegates from research institutes and universities, design and supply companies, sewerage operators as well as representatives of municipal councils, CEI, etc. A selection of photographs illustrating the atmosphere of the conference, lecture hall, exhibition hall and social evening with a rich cultural program can be found at http://mestskevody.ardec.cz/ and facebook.
We look forward to meeting you in Velké Bílovice at the conference “URBAN WATER 2020” on October 1. – 2., 2020.